Quiz Model Canvas

Stop Procrastinating and get your quiz started! 30 minute training and workbook with everything You Need to get Your Quiz Started.


 If you've been thinking of having a quiz for your business (ie the ultimate lead magnet out there) but  don't know where to begin - then this is the course for you.

Quiz Quickstarter is the perfect Companion to the Quiz Magic Programme as it takes you through the one page 'Quiz Model Canvas' and will leave you perfectly placed, confident and raring to go to write your quiz fast!

Perhaps you want to build a quiz - but have no clue where to even start? 
Or you've tried and failed before... 
Maybe you just want to do it right from the start. 
No time to waste any time trying to understand all the nuts and bolts?! 🔩

This no fluff training will take just 30 minutes and  at the end of it you'll have all you need on one page to finally start writing your quiz.

And not any old quiz - a quiz that actually delivers what you want for your business.

Which I promise is a total game changer!

Meet The Teacher!

Hey I’m Heather - and ok - you got me - I am a quiz geek...  I have worked in advertising, events and arts marketing for over 25 years and I am telling you - I have never found a lead magnet that is so effective, engaging or fun as the humble quiz!

 My first quiz generated so many leads, easily, quickly and cheaply that people started getting in touch to ask me to give them a hand.  

Fast forward six months and Kill It With Quizzes was born! And here you are!

I believe everyone who is serious in list building and reaching new customers could benefit from a a quiz in their business.  

And I believe you can 100% write your own Quiz.

 This course is for anyone who wants to write their own quiz, easily, cheaply and effectively but doesn't know where to begin!

Heather Carr takes the mystery out of quiz design and replaces it with magic. Her course material design is a delight and feels genuinely do-able. Heather's teaching style is supportive, flexible, and empathic. Impressed and inspired. Five stars!

Sidney Eve
Valentine Course Design

Quiz Model Canvas

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